Enrich Your Life Podcast

The Enrich Your Life podcast is here to help you enhance your life by providing the latest information and steps for personal growth—to improve your relationships, health, and wellbeing.

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Monday Apr 24, 2023

Rewire your brain to love your life.
When we repeatedly complain or engage in gossip, we wire our brains for negativity. Negativity becomes a habit that not only dampens our mood but prevents us from seeing the good even when it’s right in front of us. Gratitude highlights the good that is already in our lives and promotes confidence in more good things to come.

Sunday Apr 09, 2023

What is real love? The dictionary defines love as “an intense feeling of deep affection.” But I’d like to propose that love in its purest form is more like liberation, and when we express it, we give freedom to ourselves and others.

Thursday Mar 30, 2023

Do you want to be cool? Be Uncool.
By Dayna Mason
Many of us spend a great deal of time trying to be something we’re not. We have our reasons—to fit in, to build business relationships, to win friends and influence people, to avoid scrutiny … to appear “cool.” But the quickest path to true coolness is to quit focusing on being cool. 

Saturday Mar 18, 2023

Women Over 50: The A to Z of It. By Dayna Mason (from the book by the same name)
There is something both powerful and magical about being in “The Women Over 50 Club.” 
From A to Z, these engaging messages of insight and encouragement, sprinkled with a little humor, express both the beauty and the reality of living over a half-century of life.

Monday Feb 27, 2023

Being Happily Single in a Coupled Culture (By Dayna Mason)
It can be challenging to be truly happy as a single person in America. Many single people are either silently (or not so silently) longing to have a plus one in their lives or are weighed down by others’ expectations of them finding a “soulmate.” And our society promotes twosomes over singles in myriad ways. So how can you be happy being single?

Monday Feb 20, 2023

"Affect Labeling" - How to stop avoiding difficult emotions and heal
(By Dayna Mason)
From an early age we’re taught to suppress our negative emotions—that they're bad and something to get rid of as soon as possible. As adults we worry that feeling them will be more painful than pretending they don’t exist. We tell ourselves to “suck it up” and distract ourselves with screen time, busyness, alcohol, drug use, etc. But avoidance compounds the pain, because then we feel bad about feeling bad.
Our difficult emotions are trying to tell us something is wrong, and science tells us that relief can be found in simply acknowledging the message our body is communicating.
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©Dayna Mason, 2023

Friday Feb 17, 2023

Are you “sober curious?” Understanding the role of alcohol in our lives
(By Dayna Mason)
As we begin the new year many of us may ask, “What do I want to do differently this year? How do I want to improve my life?”
One possibility is to take a closer look at alcohol’s role in our lives. Maybe we join the growing trend and give it up for a set amount of time as an experiment, or maybe we just pay closer attention to what we say to ourselves about it and how it makes us feel.
©Dayna Mason, 2023
Visit: www.daynajo.com
This article and others can be found in the book, "Dayna's Dose: A Prescription of Articles to Enrich Your LIfe" by Dayna Mason.


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